Chasing Unicorns: Vigor Move & Live Podcast with Luka Hocevar

September 25, 2014
Vigor Podcast

It has been close to a decade since the roots of Vigor Ground started.It was just a dream.We all have it, the vision of something awesome that will “change the world”. Sometimes it doesn’t need to change the whole world but it changes our world.My dream was a gym.Actually much more than a gym. MUCH more. My dream was Vigor Ground.In this Vigor Move & Live podcast I talk about the start of the dream and much more – here are some of the questions I’m answering:➔ So Luka, we’ve been part of the Vigor story from the start.If you had to compress your success into three punchlines, what would they be?➔ Vigor is now an internationally recognized brand and we’re trying to change lives on both sides of the Atlantic. What do you think sets us apart from other fitness organizations and can you talk a little bit about the culture you have built in Vigor in the US?➔ You have quite a few followers in the US and around the world who would like to get into the fitness industry but are not sure they have what it takes. What would be your first words of advice for people coming into the industry and what do you feel are the biggest mistakes people make?➔ On that note, at the end of the day, you’re trying to run a successful business. How important do you think the sales strategy is in a service-based brand or company when it comes to something as personal and intimate as exercise, nutrition, body composition, stuff that we do for a living?➔ So we’ve talked about coaches and fitness professionals, but what about ordinary people who are intimidated of taking up weight training and rigorous exercise? Do you think people are stigmatized these days based on whether they work out or not? Tell me how you try to make Vigor accessible to everyone as I’m sure people will watch some of your/our videos and say: “man I could never do stuff like that”.➔ What’s your why? Explain why this is so important within your team and for all the Vigor members and the Vigor family as a whole...➔ I was amongst the crowd at the Changing the Game event in Vegas this year and was really impressed by the quality of the speakers. How do you maintain those types of relationships?➔ You talk a lot about giving back to the community, in fact, it’s one of your mantras. Tell me why you think this is important and why it isn’t something you can fake.➔ We’ve talked a lot about culture and values within an organization. As we’re fitness professionals, we’ve got to say a word or two about training. Do you think there’s one right way of training people? What are the principles you base your training programs on?➔ OK and finally maybe tell all the good people listening out there, name three books you’re reading right now or have made the biggest impression lately?

Listen to the full podcast here:


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