EP095: A 3x BBJ World Champion’s Lessons on Coaching, Business, Life and Success

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read

When I first met James Foster a little over 6 years ago it was an instant connection. At the time, we were both helping each other grow. Myself helping him grow his BJJ dojo, and him teaching me BJJ. But the lessons did not end there.

James, a 20 year BJJ veteran, has been highly respected in the BJJ community for a long time. In the the last 6 years however, he has made some serious achievements both personally and professionally. His two most notable achievements are being named the 3x ultra-heavyweight BBJ World Champion, while also growing his dojo to the biggest in Washington State with an ever growing program for kids.

In this episode we talk about everything from mindset, to practice, and the “secret” to becoming the best in the world. We also dive into how to apply these lessons to your life – whether you're coming from the world of business or not. We also talk about the art and science of coaching and the importance of it in every training session and moment.

Let's go.


  • The principles and characteristics of a champion that breed success in sport, coaching, business and life
  • Why you need to "be real" with yourself, and respect / know that being perfect isn't the key to success
  • Why leading from the front in your business is a must, despite the cliché. We breakdown what it actually means to lead from the front
  • The reason why competing will give you a reality check in how good you are
  • What “IASM” means and why it’s a key to charging more and valuing yourself more in business and life
  • The foundational skillsets and mindsets of an excellent coach
  • Why it’s important to take advice from people that have been there, done that, and are STILL doing it – and how this will help you achieve longevity
  • Why knowledge + experience + results + longevity = a great coach
  • Why you CAN learn from everyone and the importance of keeping an "empty cup", especially if you're a young and/or new coach
  • How to earn your respect in the industry, grow your business and do what most aren’t!
  • Why you must never lose the pulse of your culture in your business, or anything else in life if you want to improve
  • Why you should always work on the things you’re not good at

And a lot more.


Foster’s BJJ: https://fbjjonline.com/

James Foster: https://james300foster.com/

James Foster Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/james300foster/

Book: Range - Why Generalists Thrive In A Specialized World (David Epstein): https://www.amazon.com/Range-Generalists-Triumph-Specialized-World/dp/0735214484/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=range&qid=1576771049&sr=8-1

Book: Give and Take - Why Helping Others Drives Our Success (Adam Grant): https://www.amazon.com/Give-Take-Helping-Others-Success/dp/0143124986/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3MALXMI37ZB9T&keywords=give+and+take&qid=1576771286&sprefix=give+and+take%2Caps%2C368&sr=8-1

Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance: www.VigorGroundFitness.com

Vigor Life Podcast (iTunes): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/vigor-life-podcast/id1180256583?mt=2

Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ29YcBh-g6onRujX3wD_XA?view_as=subscriber

Luka Hocevar Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lukahocevar/

Thanks so much for joining me this week. Have some feedback that you’d like to share? Leave me a review on iTunes.

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