Have you ever wondered how much you could accomplish in short period of time, say 20 minutes?I know for a fact that I could get a lot done as can you. The only thing that can make the difference in making sure that your goals are met, that tasks are fulfilled, and that you feeling great about completing the small things that make a BIG difference in your life is taking ACTION.It’s one thing to talk about, but what good is all that talk when you can’t back it up by doing the things you do, or don’t do?

So, what are some everyday tasks that you can get done in 20 minutes? Let’s break them down as follows.
In 20 minutes you can:
==> Unload the groceries and store them in the pantry, fridge and cupboards as needed==> Cook up a great meal that fits your ideal clean eating plan==> Take the dog for a walk around the block a couple of times and get some exercise==> Make yourself a great cup of Renegade Coffee, sit back and reflect on your day as well as creating your ‘Performance Day’ plan for the days to come

==> Get in solid & great workout at Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance while also visiting with the amazing Team/Staff and Vigor Family==> Pick up the phone and call as many family & friends and tell them that you love and care about them==> Take a hot shower and wash off that “stank” from your awesome and hardcore training session at Vigor Ground==> Sit down and chat with one of the Vigor coaches and develop your strategy session that will assist in defining your game plan for your desired end result(s)==> Climb a tree and help that poor kitty cat that’s been stuck up there for while…..or you can call someone for help in case you have a fear of heights==> Spend some quality time with your family and friends and cherish every minute==> Perform an random act of kindness for someone you don’t know without expecting anything in return – being a “Go-Giver” feels awesome (it’s also one of the Core Values that we live by at Vigor Ground)==> Climb that tree and overcome your fear of heights, carry that poor kitty cat down the tree, hand it over to its rightful owner and feel like a superhero (cause you don’t need a cape to be one)

==> Drink a nice glass of ice cold water and take your vitamins – you may as well also make a greens drink and get your antioxidants and probiotics in while you’re at it==> Check your emails and text messages, reply back to an many as you can and knock this off your list as needed==> Get your dirty laundry out of the hamper, separate your whites and darks and throw a load into the washer so you can smell clean & fresh==> Read a chapter or two of your favorite book or something that inspires you==> Unload the dishwasher and put away the dishes, silverware and glasses in their appropriate place up in the cupboards==> Help that elderly lady cross the street because you live the code of integrity==> Throw on your headphones and listen to your favorite artist(s)==> Help clean the house by doing things like mopping the floor, vacuuming the carpet and cleaning the windows==> Break out the kettlebells, Onnit Steel Clubs and Ultimate Sandbags and create an awesome 20-Minute EDT workout that you can do at Vigor Ground, at home, the park, your back yard or anywhere your heart desires and crank it out==> Plan out your meals for the week and make your shopping list (and stick to the list)==> Shake someone’s hand and wish them a great day==> Slap as many high fives to as many people as possible==> Go to vigorgroundfitness.com and check our site for the programs and services we offer and make the choice to come and visit us...and do it (just don’t say you will)

==> Give your loved ones a hug==> Break out your laptop and create a blog post just like the one I just created here in 20 minutesI know the list above and keep going on and on but the premise behind it is to show you that a lot can be accomplished in very little time. Whether its 20 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour, you can achieve some great things just by simply doing something and taking action as I mentioned above.
So, what will YOU do in the next 20 minutes?

What awesome things and tasks can you complete in such time?I know that you can do a lot more than you think.Get after it and see for yourself!~ Coach AR

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