Have you ever heard of the game called ‘Bigger or Better”? If not, let me explain.This is a game that starts off with a small insignificant item which is offered publicly to someone in hopes to trade up for something ‘Bigger or Better’. During the exchange/trade process, the new item is immediately offered for trading. The cycle continues until no further trades can occur or until trading becomes an impossible due to financial or physical hardship. When trading has stopped the item is sold or donated at the owner’s discretion. The game could then begin again with a different small insignificant item.I remember playing this game back when I was a kid with my brother where we’d start off with something as small as a magnet or a coin such as a quarter. We’d go around walking within our neighborhood knocking on our neighbors doors informing them that we were playing ‘Bigger or Better’ and asked if they had something to offer in trade that would be of greater value.

Sometimes we’d get nothing.Other times we’d get the ‘no soliciting’ speech from those grumpy folks who weren’t eager to help us in our quest of fun and adventure.Then there were times when we’d strike gold and get our hands on things such as a pen, a book, an FM/AM Walkman (remember those things?), a duffle bag, etc.There was a time when my brother and I started with a pair of these cheap sunglasses and came home with a backpack. Back then (during the late 70’s), that was huge!I look at how things are today and what we might be capable of trading up for something of greater value. I mean, we’ve come a long way in advancements whether it’s medical, technology, wireless capabilities, etc.I can say with complete confidence that things have dramatically changed since the 70’s. Nowadays, most of the younger generation has no clue was an 8-track is, nonetheless what a music cassette player is or how it works. I guess you can say that it’s pretty bad when Mötley Crüe is considered ‘Ultimate Classic Rock’!

Am I really that old?The way I see it, you’re only old if you think you’re old and start believing it as your TRUTH!I’m in my mid 40’s and going on 30!Anyway, going back to the topic of this blog post, my question to you is pretty simple. But before I ask, let me set the stage for you.As a fitness professional and being a part of an ELITE team here at Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance, the coaches and I are always being asked things such as:==> How can I get stronger?==> How can I get leaner?==> How can I improve my eating habits?==> How can I get faster?==> How can I be better at _________(insert whatever it is you wish improve in the blank)?==> How can I...?We all want to upgrade our lives in some way, shape or form.We all have aspirations and goals to shoot for.We all have dreams of being a part of something bigger than ourselves and belonging to something great and special.My question to you is what are you willing to exchange/trade in return for reaching your goals, aspirations and being a part of something grand?You see, some folks will see this as a sacrifice of sorts. They’ll see it as a limiting factor that they’re not willing to follow through with due to the lack of wanting to trade up for something that they may think is far too valuable for them to give up.Some of those ‘things’ that they may not want to trade up would be money, time, hard work, dedication, consistency, accountability, self-discipline, perseverance, integrity, the list goes on.However, the end result is what they seek and what they want.It’s contradictory if you think about it.I want to get leaner but I’m not willing to change my eating habits.I want to get stronger but I’m not willing to give it my all during my strength training sessions.I want to lose 20 lbs. but I’m not willing to give up “social happy hour” drinking wine with the girls so I’ll skip my training sessions instead.I want to see RESULTS but I’m not willing to INVEST financially.

At what cost are you willing to trade in exchange for something ‘bigger or better’ such as optimal health, better relationships, optimal personal well-being, successful business ventures and/or career opportunities?As the infamous bodybuilder and former Mr. Olympia, Ronnie Coleman once said, “Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder. But nobody wants to lift this heavy ass weight!”In other words, people want an end result but aren’t willing to put in the work, nor are they willing to invest in themselves in order to reap the benefits of getting closer to their goals and/or aspirations.This falls in complete alignment of training hard but then sabotaging what you worked so hard for by eating crappy food. No matter how hard you train, you’re never going to get ahead if your nutrition is not on point. You’ll only find yourself taking one step forward while also taking two steps backwards – you’re never going to get ahead!If you’re eager to see some RESULTS in all facets of your life – Body, Being, Balance and Business – what are you willing to trade to get what you want?You’re the one who knows the answer and what you’re willing to trade up. Rather than seeing things being put up for trade or exchange as a ‘sacrifice’, why not look at them as small insignificant items.

Material items are just that – insignificant and they never last.Neither do we!That’s more the reason to invest in ourselves and trade up when we can, especially if it means getting something in return that’s of ‘Bigger or Better’ value for creating a better version of ourselves.~ Coach AR

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