I love the questions and requests we’re getting, which is driving me to shoot a lot of videos and deliver content to answer those questions. Love helping you all out with training, mindset, and self-development tips and strategies.This week’s Coach’s Corner goes quite deep on a “mysterious” exercise (I only say that because many people ask me what we’re doing at Vigor Ground when we do that exercise – with a weird look on their face).I also talk about the big difference between a trainer and a coach (rest assured they serve different purposes).
So what will you find out?
* What is a Turkish Get Up and why you should be doing it* Find out the form you should use, some coaching cues as well as when it can be used and when it shouldn’t be used (some people don’t have good enough mobility and try to do it and find out that it wasn’t a good idea the hard way)* What is the purpose of it and how it can enhance your training no matter what your goals. I’ll cover the options of when to implement it and what rep ranges and variations you can use.* If you don’t have a kettlebell (which is the best option), what other variations can you do that will still give you a great benefit* Find out who drains your physical tank and doesn’t affect the other tank, which is just as important in training, overcoming obstacles and achieving results. On the other end, this person gives you the right balance of each and supercharges your results (far beyond just the physical)* Why “crushing” someone while training them is easy while making someone better is hard. What you should look for so you connect with a coach rather than hiring a trainer* And much more...

Check out this week’s Coach’s Corner videos:
As with anything in life, knowledge is not useful if it is not applied (it’s only “potential”). Use it and you can really change your training and the quality of your life.If you’re looking to get help with your training and want to break through obstacles in life, face fears, and achieve anything you ever wanted, you have an opportunity to apply for a strategy session with our coaches to find a plan that can get you from point A to point B (no strings attached).


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