How many times have you decided to change habits and it didn’t quite go as you envisioned?If the answer is “quite a few” then keep reading.Do you feel you’re in control of your habits and the decisions you make in a day?
Do you feel they are all conscious and logical?I used to think I have a lot more control of what I’m doing until I kept doing dumb stuff and repeating it until the pain being where I was (frustrated, angry, stressed about my results) became too big and I knew I had to change; I started studying about what really happens when we make the decisions that we make (that don’t serve us) and invested in coaches that would challenge and inspire me to face my reality, teach me how and why to break through, set goals and keep me accountable and support me while developing strategies to keep me on track.Years of ups and downs, obstacles, breakthroughs, painful lessons and frustration has led me to understand that 80-90% of what we do every day is habitual and has nothing to do with us consciously deciding what we’re going to do.

Things that you have done over and over become a program (software) that are embedded in your brain. So when you get stressed you do _______. When someone hurts you, you do _______. Not because it’s logical or because it's what fits your goals and is best for you. It’s just what has been ingrained in you for so long it becomes what you do.When you get up and go brush your teeth, and whatever you do after, how many times do you think about it? What about putting on your clothes and traveling to work? It’s a blur right? You could do it without ANY thought, because you’ve done it for so long.If our brains had to make conscious decisions about everything in our life from small to big things it would get fried from it. Because of this the conscious mind is saved for things in the now that are the most important and relevant (remember that the brain is survival based and not thinking about what is most optimal).So if you have always ran to food when you get hurt and emotional then that is what is programmed in your brain.If you smoke to deal with stress you will light a cigarette without thinking about it much when a stressful situation arises.If you lash out and yell at your kids when they are stressing you out (because of all the other stressful things that happened in a day) then you’ll keep reacting like that because its ingrained and you are not aware of it.If you are bored and end up going out with friends drinking, then that is part of the connection of your brain.There is always a cue, a routine, and a reward.

This also happens with habits that serve you; but let’s be real - the things that DON’T serve you are the habits holding you back from reaching all the goals in your life. So that is what we’re covering and on a mission to change.At Vigor Ground Renton Gym we will run through walls to find the solutions to help people change. And the truth is you have to dig deeper than “eat the broccoli and train”. Its deeper than “here’s a meal plan follow it and all will be good”. You have to face the truth first. You have to see reality without attaching a ton of emotion to it.This makes you aware. This creates clarity of where you are what you need to do to change.What do you listen to and watch on TV?Who do you surround yourself with?Who has had influence on your growing up?What are you environments and beliefs?Are they serving you and in line with you achieving the things you want in life?These are tough questions and real things we have to face to move forward.Not avoiding it and trying out countless “strategies”, diets, infomercial promises, “secret” workouts and pills, and everything else that leads you to believe that it’s quick and short and not much work has to be done.I’ll call bullshit on this right now. WORK will have to be done, it won’t be easy…..but it will be WORTH IT. Matter a fact it will be worth it x1000.On that note, a while back I did a live “Vigor Ground Change Your Habits Seminar” where I covered how things happen and get ingrained and the steps you can’t miss to make a change.I was going to make it an opt in but I’m purposeful in having as many people watch it, get real, find clarity and outline the steps to make a change. Because of this I’m making it accessible to everyone and a resource you can come back to over and over again.

Here is the what you’ll find out in this video:
==> Why HABIT change is the fastest way for YOU to eliminate stress, frustration, kick start your transformation and give you the capability to change anything else in your life==> The exact steps to find your “IT” so that you can have build the most solid foundation and not fall off track again and again.==> The #1 way to break bad habits and how to re-route them to habits that will match all of your goals==> How to create your performance day and see results within less that 30 days by following our step by step formula on changing habits (even if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start)==> ...and how to do all of this, even if have tried it many times before, you’ve given up, but you desperately want to change where you are – take home these simple action steps and transform
Check out the seminar below:
I’m fired up to share this with you and it be a catalyst to make you aware of the things you may be doing that are stopping you from achieving all the things you really want in your life.Body.Relationships.Family.Career/Business.Anything.If you’re fired up but know you need help with strategies, accountability, support, knowledge and a group of people that are dedicated, purposeful and are constantly growing and expanding while also willing to run through walls for you to help you achieve everything you want then apply for a strategy session (no strings attached other than you’re serious about change!) so we can find out what you need help with and specifics to change for YOUR situation.
Click on the banner below to take you to application form:

Time to get REAL, RAW, get CLARITY followed by RESULTS.Your Coach,Luka

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