I always wanted to do interviews Dr. Phil style.And with the Nutrition and Muscle Corner, I can do just that, which is the only reason we did it!On a serious note, we receive a lot of questions about nutrition and what is best for them and their goals. All the information out there has become confusing with so many different diets, recommendations, go hard followers, etc. that we wanted to deliver information that is less confusing.There is no best diet.There is what works best for you. Long term!There are some principles that you have to stick to and can’t cheat if you want to see body composition changes and health changes (we believe in nutrition from the inside out. Who cares if you look great if you feel like shit?!).

So here are some things we cover in the first episode of Nutrition Corner:
* What are some basic fundamentals and where should people start (some of it has nothing to do with changing the foods)* At what point in time to we get really diligent with calculating calories* How important are macros and where and when do we fit them in to your nutrition without overwhelm* What is IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) and how do we feel about it* Dispelling the myth that you can’t eat any of the things you want when you are trying to achieve your optimal body composition. Food can still be delicious and you can be lean; all at the same time (you can check out the Cooking Corner for some recipes here and here)* What is a macro rotation diet in a simple explanation and when do we use it* An example of a simple habit change that is not overwhelming that can create a snowball effect of better habits throughout the day (habit changes are KEY in creating long term transformation; check out the free seminar I did on it at Vigor Ground Fitness Renton GymHERE)* And much, much more...
The Nutrition Corner was created to have a conversation with YOU and although it is Cody and myself doing the talking, the reason we started it is to have you ask the questions so we can answer them in a way that is not making nutrition any more overwhelming and confusing for you.For us it is about going over science and what is real and true (there is so much bullshit out there about nutrition it has confused people – there are something like tens of thousands of diets out there – that should say enough) and what works in the real world – LONG TERM. It’s also about what makes it simple for you and helping you believe that it is possible to have the body you want, feel the way you want and not be a slave to a drill sergeant telling you what to eat and when to eat, along with the food tasting like cardboard.It is about habit and lifestyle change. It is about creating and preparing delicious food that fits your body composition, health, and lifestyle goals. It’s about a better life for you and your family. It’s about being confident that you can do this long term and excited to take it on because you believe you can.Nutrition Corner was started for all of those reasons.With that said, let us know what are the questions that you’d like to know to help you get rid of the frustrations you have when it comes to nutrition and change and we will address them in the next Nutrition Corner.If you feel like you need to sit down with someone and get help with your nutrition and lifestyle and have a coach guide you from point A to point B then fill out the application form below to get a nutritional strategy session (no string attached other than that you are serious and committed to change) with our Precision Nutrition certified coaches:


Get the coaching, support and guidance (you need) to help you get lean, build muscle and take control of your body. The accountability, community, tools, and strategies for you to keep the results for good.
Backed by science, proven over 10-years with results with real clients from every walk of life. Become the next success story by joining today.